At A.B.E. Rehab, our specialized physical therapists excel in treating a variety of hip-related conditions, including:


  • Hip surgeries, such as fracture repairs using pinning or trauma repair, often result in significant soft tissue injuries due to the force required to break bones. Post-surgery, limited movement leads to rapid loss of range of motion and strength, making walking challenging.

    Physical therapy plays a crucial role in post-hip surgery rehabilitation. We offer a tailored program to gradually restore a pain-free range of motion while adhering to surgery recovery protocols. Our focus is on improving walking coordination, balance, and strength, enabling you to return to pain-free, normal walking.

  • After hip surgeries such as fracture repairs or trauma repairs, soft tissues around the hip are often significantly injured due to the force required to break a bone. Post-surgery, limited movement leads to a rapid loss of range of motion and strength, making walking challenging.

    Physical therapy plays a vital role in the rehabilitation process after hip surgery. We provide a structured rehabilitation program tailored to your specific surgery and physician's protocols. Our goal is to restore a pain-free range of motion in the hip while ensuring compliance with recovery protocols. Additionally, physical therapy improves walking coordination, balance, and strength, enabling you to return to pain-free, normal walking.

  • Total hip replacement surgery may be necessary for significant hip trauma or long-term arthritis affecting mobility. Advances in technology allow for less invasive procedures and faster recovery.

    Pre-surgery physical therapy can improve post-surgery recovery. Our rehabilitation program, in coordination with your physician's protocols, focuses on restoring walking, strength, and function. Starting the day after the procedure, we address basic movements and progress to outpatient therapy, restoring range of motion, balance, coordination, and alleviating pain. The goal of physical therapy is to return you to pain-free normal activities.

  • Hip pain typically occurs in three areas: the groin, outer hip, or deep buttock, each indicating specific dysfunction. The hip joint's remarkable range of motion, stability, and weight-bearing capacity makes it susceptible to pain from limited motion causing pressure on muscles, tendons, or ligaments.

    Our physical therapists conduct a thorough evaluation to pinpoint the source of your pain and develop a treatment plan to address the root cause. By improving joint mobility, strength, and range of motion, we restore pain-free walking and activities, promoting a healthy back and relieving hip and thigh pain.

  • Osteoarthritis of the hip can cause pain and stiffness due to cartilage degeneration, leading to limited mobility.

    Physical therapy can be highly beneficial for minor to moderate cases, improving joint mobility and muscle strength. Our hands-on therapy and specialized exercises target specific areas to alleviate pain and enhance the hip range of motion. Whether managing osteoarthritis or recovering from hip replacement surgery, our physical therapy techniques aim to provide relief and improve your overall mobility and function.

  • Sciatica is characterized by radiating pain into the buttock and back of the thigh. It occurs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve, which can be compressed by the piriformis muscle in the buttock.

    Physical therapy offers effective treatment for sciatica, involving a thorough evaluation of your spine, hips, and legs. Our trained therapists use specialized techniques to improve mobility and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve. Modalities like heat, ice, and ultrasound are utilized to reduce inflammation, while stretching and strengthening exercises restore normal motion and strength, providing lasting pain relief and prevention of future episodes.

  • The piriformis muscle in the buttocks helps rotate the hip. Excessive sitting, hip immobility, or trauma can lead the piriformis muscle to press on the sciatic nerve, causing mild to severe symptoms.

    Physical therapy effectively treats piriformis syndrome by analyzing a hip range of motion, muscle function, walking, and posture. Through hands-on therapy and targeted exercises, we restore hip mobility, reduce pain, and improve leg symptoms. We also provide easy-to-follow exercises and modified activities to prevent symptom recurrence at home.

  • Sprains and strains result from overstretching ligaments (connect bone to bone) and muscles/tendons (connect muscle to bone), causing micro-tearing and inflammation. Rest, ice, and elevation are essential for initial treatment, and severe cases require immediate attention from a physical therapist.

    Our evaluation determines the extent of the injury and creates a tailored treatment plan to reduce swelling, alleviate pain, and restore motion. With the goal of full recovery and improved strength, we work closely with active individuals to ensure a safe return to their beloved activities.