Where Are You Experiencing Pain?

At A.B.E. Rehab, we excel in post-joint replacement rehabilitation, specializing in hips, knees, and shoulders. Our highly skilled team boasts extensive expertise in guiding patients through the crucial recovery phase after joint surgeries. With personalized treatment plans and state-of-the-art facilities, we ensure you receive the finest care, promoting optimal healing and a swift return to an active life. Please refer to the images below to explore common conditions we treat and discover how physical therapy can help you.

Common Injury Areas

At A.B.E. Rehab, we take a hands-on approach for real results.

We specialize in addressing a wide range of injuries, including those related to sports-related incidents, auto accidents, and orthopedic issues. Our goal is to help you surpass your physical therapy goals and achieve optimal recovery. Explore our different categories to discover how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs and get you back to your active lifestyle. Let us be your partner on the path to improved health and well-being.

Experiencing discomfort?
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